Handphone Music Offer "HT M16" Price Specification

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Handphone Music Offer "HT M16" Price Specification

HT M16 -2

price Phone specifications HT M16

Price Rp 429,000, -

Music phone is already very much in circulation in the Indonesian mobile market, even every series phones released are always equipped with music player feature. But that is offered by the following HT-Mobile is different from the many outstanding series phones in stores. Handset series "HT M16" It does look similar to other local phones, but if we know the specs say it we do another. Because this device has been equipped with Yamaha Chipset Power Speaker so will generate music sound good and loud.

Specification :
  • Speaker : Yamaha chipset, Power Speaker
  • Camera: Digital Camera
  • Screen: TFT 265K color
  • Connection: GPRS, Bluetooth
  • Network: Double GSM Card On
  • Memory: MicroSD
  • Model: Qwerty
  • Browser: Java, WAP
  • Color Options: Black
  • Battery: stanby, talk time
  • Application: SMS,MMS, Twitter, Ebuddy, Opera mini, Email
  • Other Features: FM radio, Azan alarm, Senter, Kiblat direction, Zakat calculator

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