Moslem Phone Offer "Esia Hidayah Sholeh" (Review With Complete Spec)

Moslem Phone Offer "Esia Hidayah Sholeh" (Review With Complete Spec) - Hallo sahabat Specification Handphone, Pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan membahas artkel yang berjudul Moslem Phone Offer "Esia Hidayah Sholeh" (Review With Complete Spec), saya telah menyediakan berbagai macam artikel terbaru lainnya. mudah mudahan artikel yang saya tulis ini bermanfaat buat anda semuanya.

Ditulis Oleh : Specification Handphone
Judul : Moslem Phone Offer "Esia Hidayah Sholeh" (Review With Complete Spec)

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Moslem Phone Offer "Esia Hidayah Sholeh" (Review With Complete Spec)

Esia Hidayah  Sholeh-5

Prices and specifications Muslim Phone Esia Hidayah Sholeh

Price:Rp 199,000

The third or last Mobile phones offered by Esia in the series Muslim mobile phone package is a series of "Esia Hidayah Sholeh" different from the two previous handset which comes with a QWERTY design. for the third mobile phone comes with a simple white Candybar design but still looks cool. Features that offer also similar, although still less complete than the previous series. which makes interesting is the selling price of this handset is much cheaper than the two previous phones.

Specification :
  • Model: Candybar
  • Screen: TFT 65K color
  • Battery: Long Time Bttery life
  • Network: CDMA 2000 1X 800 MHz
  • Color Options: White
  • Other Features: Speaker Phone
  • Memory: Internal
  • Application: Dunia bermain dan belajar, Tajwid, Alqur’an, Muslim Content

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