Axioo Neon HNM Harga spesifikasi ces 2011

Axioo Neon HNM Harga spesifikasi ces 2011 - Hallo sahabat Specification Handphone, Pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan membahas artkel yang berjudul Axioo Neon HNM Harga spesifikasi ces 2011, saya telah menyediakan berbagai macam artikel terbaru lainnya. mudah mudahan artikel yang saya tulis ini bermanfaat buat anda semuanya.

Ditulis Oleh : Specification Handphone
Judul : Axioo Neon HNM Harga spesifikasi ces 2011

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Axioo Neon HNM Harga spesifikasi ces 2011

Harga Axioo Price
Axioo Neon HNM On display at the event the Consumer Electronic Show (CES) 2011 in Las Vegas

Stepping in 2011, local notebook vendors, Axioo International, start with a strategicstep. Axioo preparing to offer a new product called Axioo Neon HNM. Not just put upan exhibition venue in the domestic market, the Axioo Neon HNM were also on display at the event the Consumer Electronic Show (CES) 2011 in Las Vegas.
And the following are the features and specifications of the device:
-Intel Core 2nd Generation
-memory type DDR 3 PCs 8500/10600.
-screen size of 14 inch 1368x768 pixel resolution with LED display technology
-up to 8 GB memory that can be mounted on two SODIMM memory slots available
-SRS Surround Sound
-dane-SATA port
-design triangle pattern stylish body
-Hexapad navigation
-SoCoNe button
-WiFi, Bluetooth
-750GB HDD
-HDMI port
Price : under 7 Million Rupiah
The gadget also projected to sale in Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, and Singapore.

tag: Harga Axioo Neon HNM, Axioo Neon HNM Price, Spesifikasi Axioo Neon HNM, Axioo Neon HNM Specification, Review Axioo Neon HNM, Axioo Neon HNM CES 2011, Axioo Neon HNM Las Vegas, Axioo Neon HNM USA, Axioo Neon HNM Nevada, Axioo Neon HNM Indonesia, Axioo Neon HNM Vietname, Axioo Neon HNM Thailand, Axioo Neon HNM Singapore

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