S Nexian Magic A893 Price and Specifications

S Nexian Magic A893 Price and Specifications - Hallo sahabat Specification Handphone, Pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan membahas artkel yang berjudul S Nexian Magic A893 Price and Specifications, saya telah menyediakan berbagai macam artikel terbaru lainnya. mudah mudahan artikel yang saya tulis ini bermanfaat buat anda semuanya.

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S Nexian Magic A893 Price and Specifications

S Nexian Magic A893 Price and Specifications
S Nexian Magic A893 harga spesifikasi

S Nexian Magic A893 Specifications and Features:
OS: Android 2.2 Froyo
Network: Dualband GSM (900/1800 MHz) / WCDMA 2100 MHz
Screen: 3.5 inch, HVGA TFT Capacitive Touchscreen, Multi-Touch
Megapixel Camera, Video recorder
Data transfer: HSPA, EDGE, GPRS Camera: Dual Camera , VGA front, rear 2.0 internal memory: 8GB
Messaging: SMS, MMS, Email, Push Mail, IM
Connectivity: WiFi, Bluetooth, data cable
Browser: HTML, Opera Minio
other Features: Polyphonic (MP3), Audio / video player, FM radio, A-GPS, E-compass, Nexian Messenger, News (Bisnis Indonesia, CNN, TIME Magazine, Tempo), Facebook, FourSquare, Yahoo Mail, Yahoo Messenger, YouTube, Calendar, calculator, alarm, speakerphone
Battery: Lithium ion

Nexian Magic S A893 Price:
Price of this device around 1,599,000 rupiah.

S Nexian Magic A893 Price and Specifications
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