"OnStar Car Service" to Control the Car With Mobile Android

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"OnStar Car Service" to Control the Car With Mobile Android


A spectacular innovation made by General Motors, the car manufacturer in America, by exploiting the Android handset later they will control the mobile artificial controlled by a cell phone. This collaboration involves Google and General Motors through a program that will be designed that is "OnStar Car Service ".

Full control here means the driver or passengers can access the existing features like multimedia in car dashboards, navigation (GPS), the control air conditioning (AC) and others using only Android-based phones are connected to the OnStar feature that has been planted on general motors cars. Features of this kind has actually been run by Ford Motor under the name "Touch System" that functions to control all the features in the car using a cell phone.

Google and General motors going forward will extend the complete feature, where an Android phone could do all the things like turn on the car, lock and shut the door, opened the trunk and others only with the touch of a finger from a distance through the Android-based handsets.

Tag: car control with Android, handset Android can remote car feature, news about car control with android, rumor cooperate Google and generala motors

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